Sunday, August 23, 2015



主観的な憶測では、すでにプッシング、The most feared now is the person who takes to you with the goal


포부가 천재야 싹, 대한 노동 손을 거쳐 육성, 양전옥답 안에 는 성장 굵은 나무.字典就好像一个不开口的老师一样。



Before when it comes to marriage, thought is enduring as the universe. Now talk about marriage, think of is how long can. In the past, as the marriage is for a lifetime. Modern man, as the marriage is for a while. Before people get married, always want to next life to tie the knot. Now married, always suspected life is made of evil.秋深了,要变天,总是阴沉着脸。采下最后的灿烂,菊花几朵,放在素色的杯子里,冲一杯茶。嗅着秋的味道,浓浓的,眉间泛出胭脂色,顷刻,我便醉了……

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